Know your status. Pick your protection. Get down to business.

Pleasure Responsibly is an initiative to prevent the spread of STIs by encouraging individuals to take personal responsibility for their sexual health and safety, allowing them to focus more intently on their pleasure.
What's your status?
Have you been exposed to an STI? Not sure? If you’re sexually active, it’s important to know your status so you can make the best choices for protecting you and your partner. Getting in the know is simple. In Pennsylvania, there are free and confidential STI and HIV testing sites. There are also STI and HIV self-tests that you can use in the privacy of your home.

Pick your Protection.
Condoms or PrEP (preexposure prophylaxis) — which do you prefer to protect yourself and your partner?
Condoms may be the best option if you don’t know your HIV status or aren’t sure of your partner’s status. They can reduce the transmission of HIV by about 85% when used correctly. Proper use of condoms also reduces the risks of contracting all STIs (e.g. Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Hep C, etc.), whereas PrEP only protects against HIV.
On the downside, having a condom on hand is not always convenient and some believe condoms interfere with their pleasure. Plus, there’s not always a guarantee that a condom is being used properly.
Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)
PrEP as prescribed can make it 99% effective in protecting against HIV. Once-daily doses can be more convenient than condoms and for both planned and unexpected sexual encounters.
Plus, research has shown users of PrEP to have more enjoyable sex, from intense sexual arousal and quality of orgasms to the increased ability to surrender to sexual pleasure.
You must be HIV-negative to be prescribed PrEP. But it’s a good choice for people who don’t always use condoms, live in an area where HIV is more common, recently had a STD/STI or have a sexual partner(s) who don’t know their status.

Making pleasure a priority.
As human beings, we need to embrace sexual pleasure’s connection to physical, mental and social well-being – as well as public health. The Pleasure Responsibly initiative is about more than just sexual risk; it celebrates human sexuality.
Sexuality is a part of who we are. Pleasurable and satisfying moments are a key part of the relationships we have with each other. Knowing we are consciously trying to make each encounter as safe as possible provides us peace of mind and allows us to focus on our pleasure and our partner’s. So…
Pleasure Responsibly.